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Updated 12/30/23  


What you read today could protect you from what's coming. What's coming?  God's judgment to destroy America.  This will include nuclear war.  We will also be invaded.  Your way of life, hanging out with friends and great food, what you want for the future, is over.  So says the President of China, a Chinese general, and an American general.  I'll quote them specifically near the end of this message.    When? I have no idea. But why? We've been violating His laws and ignoring His warnings.  You see, God, our Creator, holds us accountable.  We have broken the relationship we had with Him.  But God has a rescue plan, Jesus Christ. He's looking for people to rescue.  Maybe you're one of them. Now I'll give you bad news and good news.


First,  why are so many big things happening?  The riots, the mass shootings, and more? Why are they getting worse? They are warning judgments from God to get our attention. He's been calling us back to Him. But we're ignoring Him.


I do not claim the office or position of prophet. Now twice in the last 48 years I said I'd heard something from God when I didn't. They were that I was to get married in a certain year and to buy a travel trailer. I didn't marry the girl or buy the trailer. I was wrong both times. I didn't check out what thought I heard from God first. I've learned now to say what I hear from Him very carefully and only when other evidence agrees. So you be the judge on what you read today. But I believe if you understand what the Bible is saying and what's going on in the world you'll agree with my message.


I am not bringing any new doctrines or teachings.  Early on a Friday morning, August 31, 1999. the Lord told me "Nuclear war will be part of America's judgment."   Those words came with great authority.  I felt like I was in a courtroom of immense authority.  I wasn't looking for it and it came completely out of the blue. I didn't see Jesus or any angels. I've been careful with that message.  I don't tell it to everyone.  But it turns out that others are saying much the same thing.   I'll quote them near the end of this message. I'm also telling you how God deals with nations and why. How He treated nations a long time ago is the same way He treats them today. And it will be the same way for nations tomorrow.  Why is it always the same? Because God does not change. And His word does not change. Now if we heed His warnings we can be prepared. We can survive. Does that make sense?


God wants to forgive individuals. He gives them many chances to come to Him. But here's something you've never heard: God gives up on nations.  He has given up on America. We're in big trouble with God.

I'll tell you why.


First, He has the right to judge us because He's our Creator. He gave you the air you breathe. He is revealed through the Bible.


God once gave up on the whole world. We see that in the story of Noah and ark in Genesis. God sent a flood that destroyed the whole world. But how did things get that way? Look at the beginning. The first people God made were Adam and Eve. At first everything went great. They were in a garden in paradise. Then they blew it and God kicked them out. They had kids and people got worse. So bad God finally gave up on people. He told a man named Noah He was going to wipe out all of mankind with a flood covering the whole world. So He had Noah build a big boat to rescue his family and all the animals.


Did it really happen? In at least 270 cultures across the world we have ancient stories about it. How God told a man to build a big boat and to put his family and animals on it to survive a worldwide flood. It really happened. God is still rescuing people today. Like you, here.  Gen. 6:5,6 … “Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. The Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.”

God does not like to judge. Ez. 18:23 – “Do I have any pleasure in the death of the wicked, declares the Lord God, rather than that he should turn from his ways and live?” 2nd Peter 3:9 – “The Lord is not slow about His promise, ... but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.”

So He doesn't like to judge. He prefers to forgive. But sadly, most people don't want to have anything to do with Him.


Now everything we do will be exposed. Jesus said in Luke 12:2 – “But there is nothing covered up that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known … what you have whispered in secret will be shouted from the housetops.” Psalm 139 says He knows our going out and coming in.


God treats us better than we deserve. But He doesn't let nations sin forever. If we disobey Him He warns us. By what the Bible says. Now before He hits a nation with His final judgment He sends warning judgments. In Deuteronomy chapter28 we read about them. Now this chapter is directed only at Israel. But much of this applies to America today. God's way of treating countries doesn't change. These are disasters to bring us back to Him. To make us finally see we are not our own god. Does that make sense?  Deut. 28 (that's the book of Deuteronomy, in the Old Testament) explains many warning judgments. I'll name just three that have been in the news: insanity, violence, and foreign domination.


INSANITY -- the first warning judgment.  We see it in Deut. 28: verse28.   God has judged us with insanity by we allowing the transgender movement. Not knowing your sex or gender is like not knowing your right hand from your left. That's insanity, that's mental illness, and it's time to stop glorifying mental illness. Genesis 1:27 says “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.” Notice the Bible says there's only 2 sexes or genders. In this year, 2023, researchers in Washington state and St. Louis are saying that transgenderism is caused by the mental illness of some mothers wanting attention having so-called trans kids. … from a story in the Epoch Times.


There is another way this judgment works.  When people abandon God, reject His ways, and not give Him thanks then He takes away our reasoning about what is right and wrong.  He gives us a mind that more and more chooses evil. This seems to be done gradually.  Have you noticed in recent years that more and more people choose evil and do it in new ways?  Romans 1:28 – “And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things that are not proper … “


That word “depraved” taken from the Greek language of the New Testament  is adokimos, meaning “not standing the test, rejected, or worthless. So more and more our minds just don’t work when we think about right and wrong.  So with now worthless minds we now decide on how many genders there are.  Not the God who created us. We’re beginning to see transgenderism begins with the mental illness of the mother of these children.  Check out “Mothers are the root cause of transgenderism, 1991 study shows” in  3/22/201.  This is just one way we live with depraved minds. 


VIOLENCE -- The next warning judgment from Deut. 28.  Black Lives Matter riots in many cities. Mass shootings pop up all the time everywhere. But something worse is coming. Through what used to be our southern border.  Nowadays nuclear bombs have advanced so much that you can put one in a suitcase. If the cartels can get tons of drugs across, what stops muslims from getting nuclear bombs into America and setting them off?  Or just attacking us from inside our country? Nothing. You know Islam, their religion, wants to conquer the world, right?


The Bible tells us why our children are killed in mass shootings. Hosea 4:6 tells us something everyone should know: “Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.” So our schools aren't safe.  So the Lord isn't protecting our children anymore because we have left Him. You reject God, America, you lose His protection. Can you see that? How much more of this do we want?


Mass shootings now happen even in churches! Churches are supposed to be His house. Off limits to crime. They were years ago. But if shootings happen in churches, guess what? He's abandoned them too! And the churches don't even know He's left!   






Here's my point: this non stop, everywhere violence, national insanity, and foreign domination wasn't happening all over America 50, 60 years ago. Then we usually obeyed God. So then we had His protection. Not any more.


FOREIGN DOMINATION is another warning judgment. It will bankrupt us. Years ago many nations owed America money.  Now it has reversed. We are a major debtor nation, owing them many billions. Nation or individual, the more debt you have the less freedom you have.  We're spending more than we're taking in by taxes.   That's called  deficit spending.  We have to borrow from China and other countries to get money to keep us going!   Did you know that? Proverbs 22:7 warns us, “The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower becomes the lender's slave.” As America owes more and more, its taxes go up and citizens and the nation lose freedom. We are increasingly dominated by foreign countries. Most of what we buy is made in China.


The Bible tells us why we've lost our so-called southern border. In Acts 17:26 we learn that God sets a nation's borders.  Just like a backyard fence, borders protect a nation. But when a nation rejects God they lose His protection.  God's taking away our southern borders, people. 10 million invaders have come in the last several years. Some of those have been found to be members of terrorist groups.  Am I making sense?

Can you see these things happening?


We have also ignored the Biblical principle of escalating judgments.  We see them in Lev. 26, Ex. 7-11, and Amos 4:6-12. Here's how it works: A nation disobeys God and He sends a warning judgment. If they still disobey, He sends another that's worse. And that nation keeps getting them up to a point. That's when God's patience runs out.  Finally,  He hits them with THE BIG HAMMER, as I call it.  It wipes a nation out.  There's no recovery. America's been getting escalating judgments and we don't care.   We're now getting problems we didn't have 5 or 10 years ago. Like the transgender insanity, the disappearing southern border, and so-called homo marriage.


I know I'm giving you bad news. But hang on, I'll give you good news today. Now acting on this message just might save your life and change your eternity. Do you want to get right with God?  God has a rescue plan. It doesn't cost you anything. It's Jesus Christ. Some of you have heard about Him. Most of you don't know what He really did. Today for the first time in your lives some of you will finally learn how one gets into heaven. Keep reading so I can tell you about it. Before I can tell you about God's rescue plan I must tell you why He will judge America.


Most of you won't like learning about His charges against America. They are reasons we deserve His judgment. They are sins we've committed as individuals, cities, and as a nation. You'll say I'm judgmental and intolerant. But can we agree that America is in trouble? We're more divided now since the Civil War in the 1800's. As I said before, nuclear war is coming to America. I'm not the only one saying that. Sometimes truth is not pleasant. If your doctor says you got six months to live unless you change, do you call that hate speech? If the truth saved your life, wouldn't you want it? So here's some of God's charges against America:

1. Abortion --- nations that abort their children do not survive. The Bible calls it the shedding of innocent blood. Some of you women have aborted one or more of your children. But if you confess that sin, turn from it and to God, and if you are serious, you will be forgiven. You will find the peace you want. Same for you men involved. You gave the girl money to kill your child or drove them to the clinic.  The blood of your child is on your hands too.


We've shed innocent blood by aborting over 60 million helpless children. Also by lynching hundreds if not thousands of innocent black Americans. We've also shed innocent blood by all our mass shootings. And boy, does God hate it! Prov. 6:16 says “He hates the hands that shed innocent blood”.  The consequences of America's abortions are worse than you ever thought. Try this. God promises to destroy nations – nations – that shed innocent blood.


Numbers 35:33: “So you shall not pollute the land in which you are. For blood pollutes the land, and no expiation (that's like forgiveness) can be made for the blood shed on it, except by the blood of him who shed it.” So God is saying to America, “OK, you've aborted 60 million children, so I'm going to take 60 million of your lives.” Every American should see and understand this verse. This is our payback. God's going to get His revenge. Some Americans are very concerned about environmental pollution. God's more concerned about moral pollution.  This promise is also found in Ez. 35:6 and Deut. 22:24.  God is faithful to His word. He does what He says He will do. He does not change. It's payback time.


How will He pay us back? Nuclear war, an invasion by China, natural disasters and certainly the collapse of the economy. We will not recover from these things.  Expect riots everywhere, many suicides, and even starvation.   Total strangers have come up to me as I was street preaching in St. Louis, Phoenix, and Compton and Van Nuys California telling me about dreams and visions they'd had about God's nation ending judgment.  Now people on high levels are saying that too:


NBC News reported on 1/27/23 that four Star U.S. Air Force General Mike Minihan said that he expected America to go to war with China by 2025.  And from, on a 6/5/23 news story, no less than the President of China himself, Xi Jinping told his top national security officials to be prepared for “worst case scenarios” and “stormy seas.”  He didn't use the word "war" but all knew what he meant.   

From the 3/11/2021     Maj. Gen. Richard Coffman, director of the Army's Next Generation Combat Vehicle Cross Functional Team said China's Central Military Commission Vice Chairman,  Xu Qiliang, said "The top uniformed soldier in China, chairman of China's Central Military Commission, stated that war with the United States is inevitable," Coffman said. "That is the first time China has made that statement publicly."


OK, did God ever destroy a nation for their sin? Yes, ancient Israel. They were His chosen nation. But they sacrificed live, born children by fire to a false god named Molech. God told them to stop. They didn't.  Finally, He sent two nations to invade and destroy Israel.  God's patience had run out. He gave up on His chosen country. You can read about this at length in II Kings, chapters 17 and 24. If God thus judged Israel, will He excuse us? No way! So yes, God could send other nations to invade America. I expect Him to. He deals with nations today the same way as a long time ago.
















2. Another sin we have committed against God as individuals, cities, and as a whole nation is homosexuality. God hasn't changed. It's still a sin. But today we accept and celebrate it even though we are going to be judged for it. Lev. 18:22 – “You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.”  But the U.S. Supreme Court legalized homo marriage in 2015. But God didn't. And He does not bless it. The only form of marriage God recognizes is between one man and one woman. // And yes, it's a sin in the New Testament: I Tim. 1:10 and I Cor. 6:10. Jesus let the Old Testament law stand. He didn't delete or change it. Jesus says He came not to abolish the law in Mt. 5:17.











3. Serial divorces – God hates divorce. But we keep remarrying and re-divorcing. Mal. 2:14-16 – “The Lord has been a witness between you and the wife of your youth, against whom you have dealt with treacherously, though she is your companion and wife by covenant, … for I hate divorce.” Divorce destroys families. Any nation with a high divorce rate like us will destroy itself.  


4. Another sin we've committed as individuals, families, cities, and as a nation is pornography. It destroys marriages and individuals. Just ask any, any divorce court judge. It becomes an addiction and you know addictions destroy. Porn destroys the faithfulness needed for a marriage to succeed.


The Bible tells us to be careful of what we look at or listen to. What we see, think about, and act on, can destroy us. Jesus warns us in Mt. 5:28 – “Everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” This is why the Bible says in Ps. 101:3 – “I will set no unclean thing before my eyes.”  Lust works both ways.  Some girls are now into porn also. 60 years ago porn was hard to find but now it's everywhere. Even on childrens' smart phones. And porn leads to rape, fornication, and adultery.


5. Have you freaked out yet? Here's another charge against us, a reason we deserve God's judgment: sex before and outside of marriage – I Cor. 6:9-11 – “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor greedy people nor drunks, nor revilers, (people who swear all the time), nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.”


But America says, “Hey, we're not hurting anyone. We love each other. So we'll have all the sex we want and what's the harm?” Try this: How many sexually transmitted diseases can you name? Three or four? There are now at least 12 STD's in America. Stay a virgin until marriage -- yes, you read that right -- and you won't have an STD to worry about. 50, 60 years ago, virginity was usually respected. Now it's usually a joke.


And yes, even you can stay a virgin until marriage in the power of Jesus Christ. Hey, if Jesus can get your good friend off cocaine last year then He can help you stay a virgin until marriage.


6. Another sin we have committed as individuals, families, and as a nation is gambling. It becomes an addiction like porn. The Bible tells us to stick with our jobs, learn to be content, and God will provide what we need. Prov. 12:11 – “He who tills (works) his land will have plenty of bread, but he who pursues worthless things has no sense.”  Gambling in any form is worthless. Do you really believe you'll win the lottery? Get real! It's rigged and it's a scam. God hates scams. Your chance of dying in an airliner crash? One in 5 million. So we take the flight. Winning Powerball? 1 in 292 million. Today gambling is everywhere. Save your money and stop getting ripped off.












7. The next national sin we've been committing as individuals, cities, and as a nation is America turning to witchcraft.  Our nation has really changed. Now, groups like the Satanic Temple put up statues of Satan on state capitol grounds in Arkansas, Iowa,  and Florida and few churches object.  Do you see we're in trouble like never before?  More and more, Americans identify with Satan even if they don't realize it. This will freak you out. Tattoos are a sin – Leviticus. 19:28 – “You shall not make any cuts in your body for the dead, nor make any tattoo marks on yourselves, I am the Lord.” That verse clearly tells us tattoos are in the same class of sin as cutting our bodies for the dead, a practice of the occult or witchcraft. Other occult practices the Bible prohibits are fortune telling, tarot cards, and channeling.


This also violates the NT command in 1 Cor. 6:19 – “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price, therefore glorify God in your body.” So we are not to desecrate or degrade the bodies that He gives us.  He made us by His plan and gave us our bodies by His plan. Tattoos identify ourselves with darkness and God doesn't live and work in darkness. We are to be good stewards of everything He gives us, including our bodies. And we get just one, right?


I know you don't like hearing that. But Romans 5:10 says that before we make peace with God through Christ, WE ARE GOD'S ENEMIES. John 3:19 says, “This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil. For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.” So we run from God's light. This is one reason many reject God by saying they're OK. They expect God's blessings on their terms.

So here's why God's final judgment is coming. Or, why God has given up on America:

  1. God and His word don't change.

  2. We keep violating His law whether as individuals, cities, or as a whole nation. And we don't really care, do we?

  3. We have ignored His many warning judgments. Plus, they have intensified and we don't see that either.

  4. In street preaching in 21+ cities since 2013 I've had total strangers come and tell me about their nightmares about God judging America. Now they weren't selling books or CD's about this. They were just ordinary people who had scary dreams. This has happened in four cities. Because God is just He always warns first and He's getting that warning out.

  5. America's churches are asleep. God has abandoned them and they have no power. Many have been losing members for years and now resort to gimmicks to bring people in. They're not out on the streets warning you about this, are they?

Do you see America is in trouble?



1. First, we agree with God that we are sinners. This is confessing sin. Rom. 3:23 – “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” We are sinners both by our basic nature and by choice. We know what’s good  but we choose the bad!

2. Just believing God exists isn't enough. The Bible says even the devil, Satan, believes in God. James 2:19 tells us, “You believe in one God? You do well. But even the demons believe and tremble.” Americans everywhere say they believe in God but they certainly don't fear Him. Fearing God includes among other things that you change the way you live. But by His power.


3. Without forgiveness from God through Christ we are doomed to hell forever. Hell is real. Rom. 6:23 “For the wages (or final payoff) of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” This means we will be eternally separated from God and constantly tortured in a fiery hell. But God has a solution. It's the gift of salvation found only in God's Son Jesus.

4. We're saved by God's grace. Now what's that? It's God's salvation and other good things we don't deserve and can't earn. Eph. 2:8,9 tell us, “For by grace you are saved through faith, and that faith is not from yourselves, it is a gift of God, so that no one should boast.” Grace is a costly gift from God. So this means something very important. You can't live good enough to get into heaven.


5. God wants a personal relationship with us. Not a phony relationship where we attend church just to impress people. Like being a religious showoff. Jesus doesn't let those people into heaven. Here's what He will tell them when they show up at heaven's front door in Mt. 7:21-23: “Not everyone who calls me Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.'”  We can know a lot about God but not know Him personally. That's what He wants with us.


6. We are all part of God's creation but not all of us are in God's family. This requires a transaction. We have to do business with Jesus to get into God's family. John 1:12 says, “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to be children of God.”  So He has to adopt us into His family. This happens when we confess sin, turn from it and turn to God (or, to repent) and then place all, all of our trust in Him to save us by His mercy.

7. The forgiveness of sin requires a sacrifice. God takes sin so seriously that He says someone has to die for sin to be forgiven. Heb. 9:22 says, “There is no forgiveness without the shedding of blood.” So there must be a sacrifice. But it must be perfect. Only Jesus could be it. I Peter 3:18 – “For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh but made alive in the Spirit.”  So when Jesus went to the cross, He became our sacrifice – a sacrifice in our place. Or a substitute sacrifice. So God the Father put on Him all of our sins – our abortions, homosexuality, pornography, lies, everything. Then God put on us all of Jesus' righteousness. Or, all of Jesus' perfect goodness – His peace, forgiveness, and much more. Jesus paid the price and we got the benefit. He took the trash so we could take the treasure.  


He then became our bridge to heaven. Only by Him. John 14:6, Jesus' own words, He says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father but through Me.” So we don't go to heaven through Mohamed or even what is called the Virgin Mary. Neither died for your sins. Only Jesus, the Christ, the Savior.

8. Your sin is not too big for God to forgive. Prov. 28:13: “He who covers (or hides, or denies) his sin will not prosper. But he who confesses and forsakes his sin will find compassion.” That's a 24/7 promise. Still good. God's mercy and commitment to forgive are always bigger than your sin. Always.


9. When God forgives, He forgets. Micah 7:19 – “He will again have compassion on us; He will tread our iniquities under foot. Yes, You will cast all their sins into the depths of the sea.” Your forgiven sins are forgotten sins. He will not keep a list of your sins around to remind you about later.


10. If God is dealing with you now, yield, surrender to Him now. Life's not guaranteed. You already know people younger than you who died.  Most of them weren't ready for eternity. Are you ready to get serious about Him? To turn your life over to Him and let Him run your life now?


Let's be sure we understand repentance.  It's often overlooked nowadays.  This is turning from sin and turning to God. It also includes confessing your sin and asking Him to forgive you. And letting Him direct your life in everything now.   Repentance is a big and serious step of faith. It's not remorse or regret by itself. Repentance is not reform, like a 12 step program. Repentance is not just wanting temporary relief. It's wanting total, top to bottom, permanent change, no matter what it takes.


Repentance is a radical transformation. It's a rebirth. Look up 2 Corinthians. 5:17 (New Testament) and see how that applies to you. It's leaving everything behind to follow Christ in faith. Repentance is a radical renunciation of whatever hurt God, you, and others.  Maybe now for the first time you see your sin as much worse than you thought and you're going to hell.  Maybe this is very disturbing and you won't rest until you get right with God. If this is happening with you now then take that step of faith.  Renounce your sin and turn from it, trust Christ alone and what He did to save you,  and confess your sins.  


Acts 3:19 says, “Therefore, repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.” Maybe God's dealing with you today. For the first time you see you don't have a real relationship with God. Your lip service about God won't get you into heaven. h. Come to Him without conditions.   For example if He should impress upon you to pay back something you stole, or go and ask forgiveness of someone,  DO IT. 


Hebrews 11:6 tells us, “And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is (God) and is a rewarder of those who seek Him.”


11. Listen to Jesus' own warning about hell in Rev. 21:8 – “But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” Nobody ever gets out of hell. And if you're in hell, you're there forever. And the only thing to breathe is hot sulfur gas (brimstone).  










So don't think you'll go to hell and smoke all the weed you want and drink as much Jack Daniels as you can get. While it's a lake of never ending fire Jude, verse 13 says at the same time it's always dark. You won't be able to see your party friends there.


12. But heaven is forever too. The Lord is serious about getting people there. It's a real place of never ending joy and beauty. You are never separated from loved ones anymore. And there is never any, any, war, crime, or sickness.  You never say goodbye to loved ones in heaven.  You and them till be together forever.


So which do you really, really want? And where has your sin and rebellion gotten you so far? Ask yourself this: Has what you believe really helped you so far?  Has it really, I mean really, made you sure you're going to heaven? Is it worth hanging onto?


If God is dealing with you now, confess your sin, turn to Him alone to save you, and ask that He save you from all your sin. America is over.  Nuclear war is coming to America and we're going to be invaded, most likely by China. God is seriously looking for people to save and help. No matter how big and bad your sin, you can start over in Christ. You'd be amazed, really amazed, to discover how much He wants to save, help, and bless.


IF YOU TAKE THAT LIFE CHANGING STEP OF FAITH THEN DO THESE:   1. Get what is called a formal translation of the Bible and start reading it every day. People in a Christian bookstore can offer you several formal translations of the Bible. These are word for word translations and the most accurate. Compare how they read to you before you buy.  Find a daily Bible reading plan and start reading your Bible every day.  THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.  This gives you strength, wisdom, and encouragement. Daily Bible reading plans can be found on the internet and just about everywhere.  


2. Talk to God every day. This is really what prayer is.  You'll probably find early in the morning before everyone gets up, when it's quiet, to work the best. You don't need a rigid, formal format. Speak to Him as if He's your friend. Thank Him for what you have. Ask Him for help in what concerns you. He's listening!


3. Find a Bible teaching church where only the Bible, not tradition or other so-called sacred writings, is the sole authority. Attend regularly and get involved. Ask the pastor how they can help you grow as a new believer.


And remember that God is faithful and will never leave you.


Jim, another street preacher, December 30th, 2023 Amarillo, Texas



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